Thursday, August 25, 2011

Time Off

This will be the last posting for a month or so. I am having knee replacement surgery on Sept. 6. While I'm rehabbing I will be working on one more icon for inclusion in an exhibition at Doane College in NE in Nov.

I have lots of ideas for the "frames" but probably won't get to them until next spring as a bunch of other projects take priority over the winter.

"Mountain Wildflowers"
necklace: beads and copper

Necklace: copper, brass and paper

Thursday, August 11, 2011

They're Off!

YEA! Today I shipped my work to the University of Dayton for my solo exhibition that runs from Sept. 6 to Nov. 11, 2011. After the show opens you can read about it online at http://campus.udaytonedu./mary/gallery.html and click on current exhibit.
I've been working toward this show for many years and it feels good to have come to completion.

Without the icons my studio walls were very bare so I have hung these frames that I bought in Santa Fe, NM years ago. I am waiting for the Spirit's inspiration. This is the first time that I will have started with the frame.